


疼痛科是国家临床重点专科建设单位,山东大学硕、 博士点培养单位,卫生部十年百项计划推广培训基地、中 华医学会疼痛学分会培训医院、中华医学会麻醉学分会临 床疼痛诊疗培训中心、中国医师协会神经病理性疼痛门诊 挂牌单位,山东省医药卫生重点实验室,山东省疼痛科质 量控制中心挂靠单位。 疼痛科门诊量 1.5 万余人次 / 年, 出院人数1500余人次/年,来自全国的疑难患者达1/3 以上,患者满意度达99%以上。近年来,科室每年开展2-3 项新技术,持续创新,保持全国领先地位。先后确立和发 展以脊柱源性疼痛、神经病理性疼痛、癌性疼痛和关节软 组织疼痛为特色的亚专业,不断引进和创新国内外疼痛临 床新理念、新技术,形成了“人无我有、人有我精”的业 界领先水平。进修医师遍布全国 31 个省、市和自治区, 包括北京、上海、广州、武汉、西安的国家级名院。近年 来承担了国家自然科学基金课题 5 项,省厅级课题 10 余 项,在核心期刊发表论文100余篇,发表SCI收录论文 20余篇,获省厅级奖励7项。担任国家级学会副主委2 人次,常委、委员 5 人次,省级学会主任委员 3 人次。

Department of pain treatment is the national clinical unit of key specialty construction. It is the master and doctor training unit of Shandong University, the training base of Chinese medical association algology branch and the clinical pain diagnosis and treatment training base of Chinese medical association of anesthesiology branch. Chinese medical doctor association neuropathy pain clinic listed unit, key laboratory of medicine and health care in Shandong province, and quality of pain control center linked units. The annual number of outpatient amounted to 15,000 per year and 1500 people discharge from hospital every year. Critical and complicated cases from all over the nation amounted to one third and more than 99% of patients were satisfied. In recent years, the department have conducted 2-3 new technologies each year and never stops innovation and keeps the leading position in the country. Successively established and developed spinal pain source sex, neuropathy and rational pain, cancer pain and joint pain of soft tissue as sub-major and constantly introduce and innovate new ideas, new technologies of pain clinical at home and abroad, and form the industry leading level with the idea of "nobody possess but I, others’ good but mine accurate". Refresher doctors are from famous hospitals of 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xi 'an. The department bears five items of national natural science fund project, more than 10 provincial departmental level subjects, published 100 thesis-es on the core journals and 20 articles on SCI, and has won 7 awards of provincial departmental level. Two employees are vice chair men of national societies, 5 employees are members of standing committees and committees, and 3 are committee leaders of provincial societies.