


神经外科始建于 1960 年,是山东省神经外科人才培 养的摇篮。历经半个多世纪的风雨历程,在几代人的努力 下,逐步确立了在山东省神经外科界的龙头地位。特别是 进入 21 世纪后,科室已形成一支作风优良,梯队结构合 理、专业全面、业务高超的医教研综合性多能团队。目前 学科设有5个完整建制的病区,开放床位215张,下设 神经肿瘤、脑血管病、功能神经外科、脊柱脊髓外科、神 经创伤与重症、普通神经外科6个亚专业和山东省临床 医学院神经科学研究所,年住院病人 5000 余人次,手术 4000 余台。科室同时也是国家临床重点专科建设单位、 双“泰山学者”建设单位、山东省重点学科、山东省医药 卫生重点学科、山东大学神经外科硕士与博士授予单位、 博士后流动站、国家第一批住院医师规范化培训基地之一、 国家第一批神经外科专科医师规范化培训基地之一,是山 东省医师协会神经外科分会与山东省医师协会神经脊柱脊 髓外科医师分会的发起单位和主任委员所在单位。

Neurosurgery department was established in 1960. It was the cradle of talent training in Shandong province. After more than half a century of wind and rain, the leading role in the field of neurosurgery was gradually established under the hard working of the founders. Especially entering the 21st century, the department has formed a pluripotent team which is of fine style, reasonable echelon structure, professional, comprehensive with superb professional ability, integrating medicine, teaching and research. There are 5 wards with complete organizational system, and 215 beds currently. It consists of nerve tumors, cerebrovascular disease, functional neurosurgery, thoracolumbar spinal surgery, nerve trauma and severe, and general neurosurgery six sub-professionals and institute of neuroscience of clinical medical school in Shandong province. There are more than 5000 person-time of hospitalized patients annually, and operation more than 4000 sets. The department is also the clinical unit of national key specialty construction, double "Taishan Scholar" construction unit, the key discipline of Shandong province, key subject of medicine and health care in Shandong, master of neurosurgery of Shandong University. Granting unit of master's and doctor's degrees in neurosurgery of Shandong University , post-doctoral mobile stations, one of the national first batch of resident doctor standardization training base and one of standard training base of neurosurgical specialist. It is the launching unit and unit where the committee directors work of neurosurgery doctor association branch and association of physicians’ neural spine surgeon branch of the spinal cord in Shandong province.